Sag Harbor Elementary students practice affirmations

Students in Wendy Turbush’s first grade class at Sag Harbor Elementary School recently researched the importance of affirmations and presented their findings to their fellow schoolmates. With the schoolwide theme for the year being “Reach for the Stars,” the students discussed that to set and achieve your goals you must think positively, especially when faced with challenges.

“It is important for students to approach new experiences, whether at school or home, with a positive attitude and have a growth mindset,” said Turbush. The first graders spent time learning new vocabulary words and discussing how to turn negative phrases into positive ones. They also discussed how when one hears positive phrases, their brains begin to believe and achieve them.

In their presentation to the school, the students spoke on the power of positive thinking. Using each letter in the alphabet, they took turns sharing words and phrases of affirmation for their friends to hear. For example, A was for amazing – “I am amazing.” To complete the project, the first graders placed a mirror in the hallway with positive affirmations all around it for all students to visit and practice on their own.