Sag Harbor’s Pierson celebrates homecoming before the storm

Wind advisories up to 30 mph encouraged Pierson Middle/High School faculty and staff to act fast on making sure homecoming plans still happened for Pierson students this year. As tradition goes, the homecoming carnival was scheduled for Friday evening and the parade and skits for Saturday morning; but with the aftermath of tropical storm Ophelia moving in, students, families, and the Sag Harbor community worked hard to prepare for the parade and skits a day early.

On Friday afternoon, Pierson students were bused to Sag Harbor's main street for a parade that wrapped up at Mashashimuet Park. With floats and skits that may have been a bit rushed, the energy was still high as students celebrated their Pierson Whalers pride together

The day carried on with a Pierson girls’ volleyball game that ended with a win against Ross School. Dressed in red, white, and black, Pierson students, families, and staff gathered on the Pierson backfield directly after for their PTSA homecoming carnival and lip sync battle. Complete with food trucks, henna tattoos, lawn games, and a blow-up obstacle course, students of all ages could experience something fun. Friends and families mingled, and crowds formed as moments like Special Education teacher, Justin Clinton, sitting inside the dunk tank challenged students to test their aim. 

The night concluded with a high-energy lip sync battle between the high school grades. The Pierson crowd cheered their peers on as the classmates danced and “sang” along to their mixed playlists. To wrap up the evening, the homecoming court was announced. Bohdyn Zajac and Lola Eldrige of ninth grade, Sebastian Beech and Audrey Monaco of tenth grade, and Adam Drohan and Wyeth Zeff of eleventh grade graciously took their homecoming Prince and Princess titles. For the homecoming King and Queen, Aidan Schmitz and Caroline McGuire were cheered on as they approached the stage.