Sag Harbor Elementary Family BBQ and Concert

On Sept. 15, families of Sag Harbor Elementary gathered on the school lawn for a back-to-school kickoff barbecue. Here families, students, faculty, and staff met in a festive environment, celebrating what the academic year has in store. After the barbecue, everyone was invited to the tennis courts to listen to live jazz.

The jazz band included a collective group of jazz enthusiasts led by Tom Manuel, director of the Young Artist Jazz Program in the Department of Music at Stony Brook University. While Manuel stood at the head playing the trumpet, students also got to hear instruments like the saxophone, cello, clarinet, and keyboard.

As a professor teaching the history of jazz at Stony Brook University, Manuel was sure to give interesting facts and quiz questions to his Sag Harbor Elementary audience. From classic jazz tunes to songs with a tango rhythm or Latin beat, the students learned about different cultural music and a bit on where they came from. To join along with some of the songs, Manuel encouraged the families and students to clap along to a clave rhythm. 

Photo caption: Parents and students gather at Sag Harbor Elementary to listen to live jazz music during a back-to-school lunch and concert for the whole elementary school community.